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A police inspector Dusan investigates an unusual case, the death of Marjan Ozim. The inspector develops an obsession with the case, especially when he realizes it was suicide. He starts to live in the deceased's apartment, digging through his life, getting involved with people Marjan Ozim knew, gradually taking over his identity. As the story progress, the reasons for the inspector's obsession are revealed step by step. One of them is death of his daughter Eva, who died in a car accident, when Dusan was driving the car. His ex-wife blames him for theirs daughter's death in the accident, which took place on the very same bridge where Marjan Ozim committed suicide. From time to time, Dusan returns to the bridge, the location of both accidents, where he looks down into the abyss below, perhaps considering taking his own life. Dusan develops an unusual relationship with Marjan's former secret lover Milena. He finds out that she blames herself for Marjan's death, because she left him to return to her family. Eventually she discovers that Marjan had other lovers while he was seeing her. This beautiful, somewhat mysterious woman enraptures Dusan as well. The dividing line between inspector Dusan's and the Marjan Ozim's life is slowly disappearing. Once, in a surge of passion, Dusan and Milena make love in the Marjan's apartment, with Dusan ?in the role? of Marjan. As the moment of passion fades, this brief relationship also turns out to be just another blind alley for Dusan. By the end of the film, it becomes uncertain whether Dusan is even investigating the suicide of Marjan Ozim, or actually his own. A film that starts as a police thriller and then continues as an intimate thriller. Film where death is waiting to happen. 展开全部


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  • 8.0
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    阿耶莱特·祖里尔,罗伯特·甘特,安娜·盖伊斯洛娃,Igor Orozovic

  • 8.0


    Silvana Imam,Beatrice Eli

  • 10.0


    米尔科.菲利浦维科 Mirko Cro Cop Filipovic ... Axon Rey,Ruza Madarevic ... Sari / Nina,Kal Mansor ... Sniper,Igor Galo

  • 5.0


    丽亚·米雪儿,克里斯·柯尔弗,达伦·克里斯,娜雅·里维拉,考德·欧威尔斯特利特,多特-玛丽·琼斯,简·林奇,凯文·麦克哈尔,马修·莫里森,安伯·莱利,马克斯·阿德勒,Dwayne Barnes,阿尔·卡拉贝洛,Cody Collier,Romel De Silva,J.P. Dubé

  • 3.0


    利亚·珀赛尔,Nicole da Silva,Kate Atkinson,Celia Ireland,Katrina Milosevic,塔米·麦金托什,凯特·詹金森,伯纳德·库里,莉比·坦纳,尚恩·康纳

  • 5.0


    萨莎·露丝,海伦·米伦,卢克·伊万斯,基里安·墨菲,亚历山大·佩特罗夫,艾力克·高敦,伊凡·弗拉内克,Jean-Baptiste Puech,阿德里安·坎恩,安德鲁·霍华德,保利妮·霍劳,雷吉尔·库迪乌,耶斯·利奥丹,鲁伯特·韦恩-詹姆斯,埃文特·斯特朗,詹·奥利弗·施罗德,克里斯多夫·泰克,詹姆斯·乔因特,谢尔盖·巴切乌尔斯基,扎克·安德里亚纳索洛,莱拉·阿波瓦,Nikita Pavlenko,Anna Krippa,Aleksey Maslodudov,Alison Wheeler,Travis Ke

  • 2.0


    Ema Horvath,Brittany Falardeau,Chris Milligan,安东尼·詹森,Dennis Hurley,Jono Cota,Jener Dasilva,Erika Miranda



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